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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Flicker group open

Flicker group for felt ornaments and the like is now open.
This is a Public group.

If you do not know how to make one follow my link to tutorial.


Felt Ornaments:
This group is about the fun of making and sharing felt ornaments and other felt items.
Felt ornaments. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


  1. http://beequilting.blogspot.com/
    Hi sunshine! I posted a picture of the felt ornament I made from your tutorial! Thanks for the great idea. Wasn't sure how to add it to the flikr show. Maybe you can teach me something else! LOL
    Also, what is the stitch you use for the real pretty roses on the snowmen ornaments? I love looking at your pictures.
    Thanks again!

  2. Me again! Also do you have any suggestions for improving my blanket stitch? I can't seem to get it on the edge like you do! I am going to have to start paying you to teach me!

  3. left an answer on your blog very nice star ornament too.

  4. Sorry forgot to type in the stitch name for you it is called a bullion stitch and the rose is known as a bullion rose.

  5. I DID IT! Whew! I don't know if I could do it again but I got my picture on your flkr account! I will have to look and see if I have a book with that bullion rose in it! Thank you

  6. next time it wouldn't be so hard as you have already done it. It is no harder than setting up a blog. I will go check it out.
    Talk to you latter.
