Where do you want to go

Monday, November 27, 2006

thumpity thump thump thumpity thump thump...

A small army of snow men are invading my house. These are the first ten out of twenty snowmen I am making today. These are still only half made.
Update: done and in the mail to my swap mates at MJF


  1. Oh...the snowmen are so adorable. I love them. Is there a pattern anywhere on the net?

  2. The instructions on making a felt ornament are onmy side tutorial. Just find any snowman cookie cutter, stencil paper puch, and blow it up on a copy machine to the size you want. The embroidery is french knots eyes, mouth, middle of daisies. A bullion stitch for the nose, and crazy daisy stitchaka detatched chain stitch for flowers, and a blankert stitch to make it stay together
