Where do you want to go

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Utah Valley Quilt Guild Show and Tell

This is only a few of them. It was so dark my camera was having issues
with the flash.

Plus, the quilts and other things that were made were going by so fast.

This first one is actually taped to the wall, just for displaying for the day. It has a picture of Jesus in it. The quilter said a lot of people have a hard time finding him in it. I could see him right away, can you? It belongs to the president of the guild; she also made it as well as number 2 ( all wool and a past block-of-the-month for the guild). I think the third one is also hers, but I could be wrong on that one.

I can't tell you who the rest belong to, but I can give a little information on some of them.

Included in here is a grandmother's flower garden with a boarder. The woman who made it's mother wanted to entertain her for a while when she was 13 years old and thought this would work. The daughter wasn't too happy with it and thought it boring to work on, so in and out of the trunk it went over the years through marriage and children -- a little here and there being added. The garden was a completed top about 5 years ago. The problem was, the creator of the quilt didn't still like it. After her mother died, it sort of became a tribute to her and she made a border. Then she decided that she finally liked it. That was two years ago. About one year ago she decided to finish it. This is a quilt 72 years in the making; now that is a long-time project. Her mother kept her busy forever. The owner and maker just finished it and is 85 years old. That is tenacity, if I ever saw it.

Also included is a flag quilt which will be taught, if I remember correctly, at a local quilt store.

A light blue on white applique quilt about 12 years in the making is also in this set of quilts. It is all hand appliqued and hand quilted in turquoise thread.

This one belongs to a lady in my quilting bee 'till Christmas when she gives it to her daughter. I go to that bee sporadically on Thursdays; not the one I go to sporadically on Tuesdays. This group that all the bee's belong to meets on the third Wednesday, once a month. If I went to all of these things, life would never happen; just quilts.

The rest are just other quilts. I can't remember all of their stories, but here and there I will tell what I can.

There was a series of five quilts showing studies of water color quilts. I only got two photographed; they were all hearts.

The last one is an old block-of-the-month were you were to make two of each block. As you can tell, there are only 16 blocks, not 24 like there should be; the person gave up.

Join group on Flickr English Paper Piecing


  1. Just beautiful, Sunshine! Thanks for sharing your photos...

  2. Beautiful quilts! Thanks for sharing.

  3. It took me awhile, but I could see Jesus' face in the quilt. I loved your pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Very nice, thanks for sharing!

  5. I had to walk about six feet away and look back at the quilt to see His face and the upper part of his torso, kind of standing sideways just a bit. I was beginning to get upset because I just could not see it! Very Nice. (I always have a hard time seeing those tricky image things.) Beautiful bordering! Thanks!

  6. Yep you found him. In real life this is hugh big enough to cover a queen size bed. Which makes it alot ahrder to see as everything is far apart. Reducing it through a camera is a big help for alot of people.

  7. Real nice sunshine, you have added a lot to your site while I was in the dark, you sure keep busy.

  8. When I was trying to see Jesus' face in the quilt, I was having a really hard time. I called my daughter in here to see if she could see it. She saw it right away. It took her a few minutes to be able to point it out to me. The whole time she was teasing me, saying "you know what this means mom? You don't have Jesus in your heart." When I finally saw Him, she said "See there, He just came into your heart." She is so funny! I, too, was getting worried when I couldn't see Him.

  9. I am sorry this caused teasing. It was ment to be fun not frustrating to people sorry.

  10. Great quilt show! I loved the story of the GFG and the border on it. How wonderful life can be and surprising, as well.

  11. Yep you never know what is going to happen next and that is what is so much fun about life.
