Where do you want to go

Saturday, September 23, 2006

big box o'fabric

A package came in the mail today. It was from candismom at MJF.

It was 10 lbs of fabric; 60 different pieces of fabric! We are trading with each other. She will get some scarves mailed to her Monday or Tuesday, at the latest.

It was a good thing I had already straightened my fabric stash because it was easy to straighten just one more box since all the supplies were still set up for that. Quite a variety of color and patterns, too.

Thank you, Elisabeth!


  1. That is a beautiful box full! Make something beautiful - like a quilt!!! :>)

    hugs, gloria g. Richards, TX

    strawberry fields forever and ever!

  2. wonderful fabrics ... doooo let us see the great things you create with it! xo

    True Friends, Frannie


  3. ugh what a score.......I am jealous....

    anyone been to joann lately?

    Went there today and got some awesome deals on different fabrics. I always (unless it is something VERY specific) shop the clearance fabric and today the clearance fabric was reduced another 50%. I didn't pay more than 50 cents per yard and all told I think I bought about 25 yards of fabric plus my back up bolt of muslin. NICE!!

    Still super jealous though. I am addicted to fabric!
