Where do you want to go

Monday, September 25, 2006

paisley fabric

I just got a surprise package in the mail from Red Hen at MJF.
We are in a yo-yo swap together and I mentioned that I really liked the paisley fabric she used when she sent her yo-yos. She was so kind as to send me some so I could make stuff with it. Is it not some of the prettiest fabric you have ever seen? I just love paisleys. I don't think she knew this, but my dream house is a big old red barn that has been turned into a house. So the card is just perfect. Thank you.


  1. Hi!
    You are so welcome. I didnt know that you loved paisley's, nor the red barn dream so that is really cool! I just did a quick read of your blog and I had to chuckle about your fabric stashes. I am sure I have no where near what you have but I am guilty of having a stash myself. I just went through it and tried to at least get it all into one space so I know what I have. What motivates you to do your craft?

  2. I just like making stuff and get figitty when I don't do something with my hands so I make stuff. Simple as that.
