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Thursday, August 03, 2006

rug making tools

The woman at the Mary Jane's Farm site has been talking a lot about rug making.

So I kind of thought I might show all of you just a few of the tools I have for making different types of rugs. These are in my collection, but I use them, too. Some of these tools are new, some vintage, some antique; all are in working order.

1 comment:

  1. I have a couple of metal tools that my sister and I believe were my grandmother's, who was born between 1895 and 1898. We only know that she quilted, but these items both look like needlepoint needles on the end that would take the yarn, but are quite different on the other end. One is fashioned like a miniature saber or letter opener, and the other is blunt (sheared off, so that the cross-section is a perfect circle. However, an eighth of an inch from the blunt end, it is notched). Are either of these used for rug-making? pat at ppagejpage@aol.com
