Where do you want to go

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Effie's dress started

I started Effie's dress yesterday. I only got the collar, bodice and top of skirt done.I still need to finish the bottom of the skirt and the sleeves. I was going to use cro-tatting on the dress and decided against that because the smallest cro-hooks where way too big for size 30 thread. So I just went with normal shuttle tatting to make her collar. I'm not sure yet; I might put more tatting on her. My husband said, "You have gone a little crazy!!" That is OK. I am sure Nancy Jo is having fun as I am debating whether I am going to use tatting on the hat or embroidery to bring some details out on it . Can't figure out if I like Effie's hat square on her head, like in the first photo of this post, or how I had it tilted in the last post. Both ways of wearing it look cute.

1 comment:

  1. sunshine
    She is looking better everyday, tell your husband I love it when you go crazy if this is the end result.
    I print off each new picture so I can keep a record FOR MAYBE MY GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILDREN. wow that sounds scary, but nice.
    I will keep watching!!
